Khawaja Saad Rafique’s Secret Marriage DISCLOSED

Before starting my argument, I would like to ask a simple question, Whats wrong in getting married??? Allah has allowed a man to keep four wives if he can afford.

However the kind of land we live in, its a big CRIME to get married. If you have an affair, like an extreme kind of affair, thats fine. If you are a womanizer, thats mard ki shaan. But if you are married, OMG, you have no way out.

Ever since I have started observing politics, the secret marriage card is used by oppositions of all times. In fact in some cases even marriage is used against a person, like in case of Imran Khan and Bushra Maneka.

Today we have come across Saad Rafiques two weeks old secret marriage. Yes the Railway Minister from Pml-N has married  PTV show host Dr. Shafaq. Reportedly Khawaja Saad has married without the consent of his first wife.

khawaja saad rafique second mariage
Dr Shafaq Hira

According to Jehan Pakistan,  Saad Rafique and Shafaq Hira married about two weeks ago. Newspaper also said that Mrs Ghazala Saad has threatened Saad Rafique to leave house and kids.

Now everyone has scandals now, lets see these politicians use what against each other in upcoming general elections. 
