Google will now search as per your device location

Google has now made a few changes that will give the search results based on the location of your device, as many of the search problems are location specified. Therefore Google has made some changes to its ‘search algorithm’. The location of your device is very important now, as Google will use your ‘current location’ to show relevant results regardless of the fact that you enter country specific top level domain.

For instance, you are in Pakistan, and you enter, even then you will get specified results of Pakistan.

Your location will appear on the bottom left corner of the page. In case you travel to another country, Google will automatically change your location and will give you results in accordance with the country.

However, if you want to search localized results of another country, you are needed to change the settings. Go to the Settings on page bottom of search page and hit Search Settings, and then select your desired country from Region for Search Results.

Google is now updated on mobile web, iOS, and all Search and Maps for desktop. The purpose behind this change is user’s convenience, and it won’t change the functionality of any Google product.
