Who is Moomal Asif?

Moomal Asif is the originator of Peace.Mind.Body®. She is a weight loss enthusiast, soft skills trainer, an entrepreneur, and an expert multi-tasking person. Her ultimate belief is to spread the concept of self-care into the community by creating a healthier, happier world for everyone. A few days back, we got a chance to interview her. Following is an interesting chat with her.

Tell our readers about yourself.

Hello to all the readers. I was born in Karachi on 16 October. I don’t remember any day of my childhood when I was forced/asked by someone to do my work. From school till university, I was dutiful. Not blowing my own trumpet but that’s how I am. If a task is given to me, I will give either my 100% or won’t do it at all. I completed Masters in Public Administration. After that, I was affiliated with DELC. I used to train teachers, student related to soft skills and video tutorials. Later, I started giving seminars on health and fitness after my own experience of losing weight after several hit and trial methods.

Kindly explain briefly about your ideology.

The idea behind Peace.Mind.Body® is to bring a positive image of DIET. People think that not eating at all or restricting yourself to a certain limit of calories is the only solution to weight loss. I wanted to preach people what I did after researching on each and every diet available on the internet. Moreover, eating your desi food in a twisted way was my idea to show to the world.

Moomal Inside outHow did Peace.Mind.Body® begin?

Peace.Mind.Body® started in 2015. I was struggling to lose weight, went to numerous dieticians, followed several online groups but I was told to limit all sort of carbs. At the end of the day, I was left with a NO CARB DIET. Definitely, you can’t follow this certain pattern for the rest of your life. You don’t need to eat less. You have to eat smartly. That’s all it needs. I bought the idea of eating complex carbs in the morning like our desi roti instead of bread which later went viral and now followed/copied by many people. Before that, people would question thousands of time whether they should completely avoid roti and rice. I lost 40+ kilograms following my own pattern. I made the group, helped people understanding what’s clean eating is and how they can lose weight just by following few simple steps. Now it’s the top weight loss group having more than 160,000+ PMBians Masha Allah where you will see countless weight loss success stories.

Do you run a gym too?

Not currently. But InshaAllah in 2018.

Who is your biggest helping hand regarding what you are doing?

There is no one except Allah who is giving barakah in my time. I’m working with my assistant and marketing manager only.

Tell us briefly about your team.

I have my assistant who gives information about people who want to take my most famous Mega Burn Diet Plan and my marketing manager who deals with the other things. That’s all for now.

What were initial thoughts from your family/peers when you floated your idea?

People were not ready to accept the idea of eating carbs and still lose weight. It took a lot of time and efforts to set the mindset. Initially, everyone was taking it just as a group and wastage of time but Alhamdullilah now it has become something more than just a group. It’s a company now.

What were the most challenging moments you faced ever in achieving your goals regarding PMBody?

I didn’t face any challenge which couldn’t be accomplished. Everything is hard. You just need to work smartly.

Any interesting or most memorable experience you want to share with our readers.

Yes. One of my clients who is a wheelchair patient lost over 20+ kilograms by following my Mega Burn Diet Plan. When she came to me she was totally disheartened and wasn’t ready to believe that it’s still possible. When she lost weight, I can’t express that moment in words. Those tears of joy will be remembered forever.

What do you think which age group and demographics follow you the most?

In my group, my targeted audience is female between the age of 16-45.

You are a motivational speaker, soft skills trainer, and a weight loss enthusiast. How do you manage to do so many things?

I’m very good at managing time Alhamdullilah. It’s all about utilizing it. We all have 24 hours. It’s you who either waste it or make out of it.

What sort of skills do you cover as a soft skills trainer?

In soft skills, I cover communication skills, creative problem solving, time management, leadership, and teamwork.

You have a great fan following. Some people must recognize you when you are out for shopping etc. How do you feel?

I feel great. It’s always so good to meet people and know that you are the reason for the drastic change in their lives. I feel so thankful.

Tell our readers about your leisure time activities.

I don’t have a leisure time. To manage all the things, I have to work 24/7. That means no activities but I do take out time and give myself a nice pedicure.

What are your future plans?

I’m going to launch my Book which is Non- Guilty Pleasures. Later I’m opening a healthy eating food chain and then a gym. InshaaAllah all by the end of 2018.

Any suggestion to your fans.

Life is too small. Give your best. Each day is an opportunity. Don’t waste it.

Your thoughts about tubelight.pk?

Tubelight.pk is going great. Giving the right information is the major task these days while keeping it interesting. So, I wish them best of luck.

We are thankful to Moomal for taking some time for us out of her busy schedule. Tubelight.pk team wishes her luck for her book launch and for her new year resolutions.

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