Six tips for falling Asleep Quicker

Sound sleep is no less like a blessing. Sleeping patterns do affect our daily performance. So, we are sharing six tips for falling asleep quicker just to enhance your productivity.

1. Try and maintain regularity

falling asleep quicker

Going to bed at same time and try to wake up at the same time. No matter it’s a weekday or a weekend, even if you have a bad last night sleep, try to fix a sleep routine.

2. Dim down the lights

falling asleep quicker

We are a dark deprived society in this modern era. We need darkness to release a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin helps the healthy timing of our sleep. So, try to dim down half of the lights in your home an hour before bed. And most importantly, stay away from any screens during this time, especially those LED screens, which emit blue light. Blue light fools your brain that it is still daytime whereas it is actually night.

3. Keep it cool

falling asleep quicker

The optimal temperature of your room for a good sleep is about 68⁰F or 18⁰C. It is because your body needs to drop two to three degrees Fahrenheit drop in temperature to initiate a good sleep. It is easier to sleep in a room that is too cold than one which is too warm. Keeping your room cool actually takes your body and brain in the right direction of temperature that initiates good sleep.

Read also A Reason for the peaceful sleep of Christiano Ronaldo

4. Avoiding Caffeine

falling asleep quicker

Caffeine is an alerting chemical. It is a stimulant. Many people don’t know that taking caffeine after dinner probably take you to sleep. But the depth of sleep is not that much in the case when you abstain it. So, as a consequence, when you wake up, you feel un-refreshed. The next day, you take up more cups of coffee to remain active and hence, you increase your addiction dependency.

5. Bed-Sleep Association

falling asleep quicker
Via Shutterstock

Try to develop and maintain bed sleep association by just lying on the bed when you are sleepy. Don’t spend too much time in bed awake, because brain then starts developing bed awake associations which may be bad.

6. Meditation & Exercise

falling asleep quicker
via sivanaeast

Meditation and exercise are also very good approaches to get a sound sleep. By meditating, you can start to quiet the mind as well as the body. Exercise not at nights definitely but in a daytime gives your body a desire to take rest and sleep. And it can help you falling asleep quicker.

