Sharmila Farooqi’s Comments on Hamza n Naimal Picture Set the Social Media on Fire!
Whether we admit it or not, there are very few celebrities who are never scandalised nor become part of any controversy. Naimal Khawar and Hamza Ali Abbasi are few of those. The way the couple got married a few days ago, is itself an inspiration for many. Now the couple is on a post-wedding trip, enjoying in Paris.
Five Best Moments From Hamza and Niamal’s Wedding
However some people had problems with their trip and they are commenting as well. And sooney pe suhaaga a person commenting is a controversial politician, whose big fat wedding can never be forgotten because of Extreme level of money waste. Yes we are talking about Sharmila Farooqi. She recently commented on Hamza and Naimal picture,
Something we all need to know about Hamza Ali Abbasi!
Sharmila Farooqi commented;
The comment was made, and then what happened next is as per expectations. People started trolling her with the her “source” of income and wedding;
These are the “few” comments on the picture. Sharmila Farooqi should not have commented as she was clearly not in position.