#Roopkirani: What is the deal with Shaheb Khanzada?

Sometimes our media seems like a circus. Okay lets put it this way, it is most of the time. So what exactly is #roopkirani about? If you have grown up watching Bollywood, you would know where this Roop ki rani is coming from. I don’t know the context, but Roop ki Rani, Choron ka Raja was an Indian film.

Enjoy the following tweets by people who are hashtagging journalists and politicians they don’t quite like. And here is why.

People’s sense of humour keeps getting strong.

People didn’t stop grilling the journalist.

We often think people forget things with time. But not this one.

Our people are more investigative than our journalists?

Then we always have some PTI supporters

Some tweets questioned actions of our ‘leaders’ and wait for Shahzeb Khanzada’s response


Journalism is the watchdog of our society. And people are the watchdog of this journalism?

Not everyone is just hating. People seem disappointed at the decline of journalistic values.

In the midst of chaos, people find their sense of humour.


Hmm and what of this?

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