Phool Patti Team’s trip to Stockholm, Sweden

By Sana Younas

June 15, 2019

Every Muslim enjoys the celebrations of Eid in his own cultural and traditional way.  This time Eid ul Fitr was special for the people residing in Sweden as they got entirely different eidi this time in terms of truck art. Yes, you read right, Pakistan Truck Art has been introduced in Sweden in June 2019.

Pakistan Information and Cultural Society (PICS) has sowed the first cultural seed in the form of Truck Art in 2016 in the Salam Pakistan event with the hope that this very own Pakistani Truck Art flourishes in Sweden too as it is already famous in the rest of the world. The efforts were made in the right direction and in 2019, the renowned artists from Phool Patti Team reached to Sweden to paint the first truck in Pakistani traditional and cultural way.

Phool Patti Team landed in Sweden with the aim to not only promote the art but a message of peace, harmony, and friendship through painting the food truck. They conducted a workshop too based on the theme where locals, students, and Pakistanis took part and got truck art skills.

Moreover, many school trips and locals came to see the art and learned about its history and a few techniques.

According to a prominent truck artist Mumtaz Ahmed from Phool Patti team, “The colors and quality of the paints are very much similar to those of Pakistan and it could lead to make us no difference while working with colors”. Ali Salman Anchan, the chief organizer and spokesperson of Phool Patti team expresses a word of gratitude towards the members of PICS and Sweden who welcomed them wholeheartedly. Haider Ali, CEO of the company said that we have delivered a bouquet of colors in the form of truck art to the people of Sweden.

To read more about Phool Patti Organization, click here

The first food truck has been painted in Sweden and soon people will be seeing in food markets, city, and other prominent locations from time to time.  I really hope this food truck becomes a source of positivity, tourism and portrays a better picture of our dear homeland.

Pictures taken from