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Dulhaniya Naama In Pakistani Morning Shows

Pakistani Morning shows

For last few years, the trend of Pakistani morning shows has tremendously increased. I remember during my childhood days, morning shows were started for the first time in the history of Pakistan TV industry, where Mustansir Hussain Tarar was the host of morning programs. They used to be so informative, child-friendly and family programs.

Later on, private channels were launched and so the downfall of morning shows began. As the time passed, market rating gained so much importance that they had to be turned to get a commercial touch. Everything insane started to happen on morning shows platforms which could raise their rating. And in all this rating race, the content, originality, and information all lost.

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Shadi season, cooking competitions, make up contests, singing and dance competitions started to rule over the morning stages. Sadly, this type of content is not only displayed on one particular channel. But all the channels are equally responsible for this disturbing content, which is becoming the cause for explicit economic differences. Such ideas also generate a sense of inferiority complex among ladies who in turn lead to run unhappy houses.

For now, I would like to show glimpses of few morning shows to see how they are trying to market nuisance in the society.



Source: Dawn






Via: Showbiz Today

You yourself decide and tell us in any way such programs are contributing positively to the society.

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