Parh Magar Piyaar se – Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden was successfully held in Central Stockholm in Sweden. The event was magnificently organized by PICSS – Pakistan Information and Cultural Society Sweden. PICSS is two years old today working to portray a positive image of Pakistan in Europe generally and in Sweden particularly.

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition was held for the very first time in Sweden. It gained attraction from a vast number of visitors including tourists, swedes, Indian and Pakistani community. The dominant feature of this exhibition was the display of the collection of Truck Art. Various vehicles like a rickshaw and truck were displayed in vibrant colors. Moreover, different other household collection like the lantern, trays, mugs, mirrors, souvenirs, storage boxes, kettles and candle stands were also a part of an exhibition on a particular theme.

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden


There was also a display of traditional Pakistani bangles and handbags.

Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden


The catchiest piece of art was the posters of Stefan Löfven, an active Swedish Prime Minister, and Zlatan Ibrahimoviƈ, a well renowned Swedish Football player.


Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden
Stefan Löfven- Sweden’s Current Prime Minister


Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden
Zlatan Ibrahimovic- Renowned Sweden’s Football Player

An Exhibition also carried the only book written on Pakistan Truck Art by the name of On Wings of Diesel by Jamal J. Elias. On wings of Diesel takes us a journey through the fascinating world of Pakistani Truck Decoration. This book depicts developed Pakistani artisanal industry in a very artistic manner.


Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

Musicians from Folk Studio were there in the exhibition to entertain the audience. Besides musicians, the dancing crew also performed dances on various upbeat bhangra songs.

As no Pakistani event or meet up is completed without Food. So, food was also an important part of this event as well. Food stalls were there presenting food covering the typical taste of all provinces. All visitors including foreigners, Pakistanis, ladies, and children enjoyed the delicious tasty meals. And appraised the event very much. They all left the hall with happy faces and a good positive image of Pakistan.


Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden


Pakistan Truck Art Exhibition 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden

We, as the team, congratulate PICSS team on this efficacious event. We hope that it will continue to organize such events which will keep together not only all Pakistanis living in Sweden, but also the foreigners.


