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Paratha Party & Co; Brain Child of Two Enthusiastic Brothers

Let's meet THink Tanks behind Paratha Party & Co.

Let's meet THink Tanks behind Paratha

“I am not here to be an average, I am here to be awesome”. This could definitely be said about these two passionate brothers who are leading a restaurant by the name of “Paratha Party & Co.”. In a very short span of time, it gained great repute and fame. We, as the team, ourselves felt very energetic after talking to them. So, without any further delays, let’s meet think tanks behind Paratha Party & Co.

About yourself and your business

Paratha Party & Co: First of all, we are thankful to the blog management.

This food outlet is a joint venture of my brother (Zain Sajeel) and myself (Faran Adeel). Both of us were born and brought up in Islamabad. We had our schooling from this city. I did MBA in finance from Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, UK. After completing my education, I returned to Pakistan. And started working with a charted accountancy firm. Later, I joined a multinational accountancy firm. My younger brother Zain Sajeel did BS (Hons) in media and communication studies with distinction from International Islamic University, Islamabad. He then stepped into the world of advertisement and worked with reputed advertising agencies.


(From L-R) Faran Adeel & Zain Sajeel (Restaurant Managers)

Tell us briefly about your business (how it began, how old is it today).

I was obsessed with the idea of utilizing my learning on finance in terms of my own business. I discussed the idea with my parents who were quite supportive. Zain has an innovative and creative mind. Starting a food business was his brainchild actually. Hence, we planned to do a joint venture. Paratha Party & Co. was the final destination we harbored at. We started our restaurant in PWD Housing Society, Islamabad just five months ago. And alhamdulillah it is prospering with the dawn of every new day. Many people contact us and seek advice for establishing their own business.

What is your business model?

The food business is itself a wonderful idea if you maintain quality and follow the hygienic principles. Presenting quality foodstuff in an unconventional way, providing nice ambiance and rendering excellent service was our idea and we decided to set it as an achievable objective. We believe honesty, hard work, and quality always payback.

Your biggest support & challenges

Who is your biggest support regarding what you are doing?

Our biggest support is our parents’ prayers and patronage, our valued customers’ satisfaction and our own employees’ belief in ourselves.

What were initial thoughts from your family/peers when you floated your idea?

Obviously, there were a lot of conflicting views from all quarters. I was determined to go for it and shunned all fears from my mind. Many people and well-wishers endorsed our idea too. Above all, our parents supported us in all respects and kept patting our backs. This encouragement helped us move forward with high spirits and heads erect.

Share the most challenging moment you faced so far regarding food business.

Finding suitable workforce is always a problem in the food business. At times, we had to forget our qualifications, family background, and previous status when some servers, chefs or even riders take unexpected leaves. We had to perform all these apparently odd jobs. We cooked, served and even delivered the food when needed.

Are you satisfied with what you are doing?

Satisfaction is a vague term for us. We believe in strenuous and unending hard work as sky is the limit. If you talk about the quality of food and service we are providing, we are proudly satisfied. We are doing our best to satisfy our customers with the quality of our food and service. Our satisfaction lies in the satisfaction of the customers. By the grace of Allah Almighty, their satisfaction reflects through the feedback they give by writing on the restaurant’s book. And also from the reviews, they post on our facebook page.

Memorable Experience

Any interesting or most memorable experience regarding restaurant business you want to share with our readers.

Business is the world with new challenges you meet every day. Public dealing is an arduous yet an interesting job. You communicate with people having diverse minds, habits, and attitudes. This enriches our experience and we keep treasuring it in the deep recesses of our minds. However, the opening day of our business was a hallmark for us and we can never shun off that memory when our dreams came true.

Quality checks

How do you make sure that your restaurant meets food and hygiene standards?

Our own satisfaction is our first check. We take every possible measure to ensure that the food provided to the customer is hygienic and rich in quality. At the next step, we apply all national and international quality checks to make sure that the food meets all required standards. We don’t compromise on the quality, standard and hygienic requirements in terms of food, utensils and precautionary measures.

How I get the same taste and quality paratha every day? (referring to the taste consistency)

It is said, “Seeing is believing”. Our regular customers’ satisfaction and their positive feedback is the only test that lets us get through this test. Our foodstuff is prepared with thorough care and under strict observation at our workstation before it is transferred to the restaurant. And eventually served to our customers. Hence no apparent chances of any fluctuation in quality. But we can only try our best to do justice to our work. Errors and omissions could be there as we are all human beings.

Future plans

What are your future plans?

Our team wants to soar higher without making a compromise on our strict standards. Eventually, we intend to keep expanding the menu and business. We keep incorporating a variety of dishes with the changing weather and customers’ demands. I and Zain want to set a model for the new entrepreneurs in the food business. Furthermore, we intend to make our brand name synonymous with quality and success.

Any suggestions to those who also want to start eatery business.

There is no shortcut to success, but honesty and hard work. And we believe these two guidelines pay back very soon. The new entrants into food business should ensure that there should be no compromise on standard and hygiene. Quality food served in a hygienic, clean environment and in a professional manner should be the North star to move ahead.

Your thoughts about

It is an amazing website highlighting the multidimensional scenario of Pakistan. We went through your impressive blog. It exhibits the wonderful images with color, variety, and dignity. It’s really worth praising.

And this ended our conversation with highly enthusiastic and young managers. We, on behalf of the team, wish them great success. We hope Paratha Party & Co. go across city barriers and then national boundaries very soon.

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