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KASUR AGAIN!!! Remains of Three Minor Boys Found Who Were Raped Before Murder


Even if an animal dies of hunger, the ruler is responsible for it. Dear Mr Prime Minister, you showed us fantastic world, a Naya Pakistan the day you took oath. But today I feel that the Pakistan we are living is worst than before. Not because we have to pay tax, or inflation or any such thing, because the cannibals around us are still breathing. The chronology is continued.

Zainab, Batool, Farishta, and now… Sufyan (the other two dead bodies couldn’t be identified)

We are working hard, we are trying to earn bread through fair means, we parents are breathing, for whom? for our children!

What triggered a Psychopath in Imran Ali? #ZainabMurderCase

Sending children to play grounds gives shivers now… Six boys have been abducted from Kasur in last 3 months and REMAINS of three boys are found in the Chunian industrial state yesterday.

One of the child is identified as 8 years old Sufyan who was the son of Ramzan, a resident of Chunian. The two other bodies are so old that they are unable to be identified. According to Police, the two corpses are at least two months old. It also says that same culprit is behind all three murders.

Here is what Nadia Jamil, a woman who is voice for many children who are sexually abused, says about the whole incident;

A mother conceives a kid, goes through all the pain and misery, gives birth to him, protects him from all the hardships, stays up for him the whole night, listens to his unspoken words, for what??? for a beast, for a brutal murder? for rape? for torture? or for a failed government who cannot provide basic protection to its civilians?

What is happening? After Zainab Murder case, Dr Shahid Masood gave evidence of Dark Web working in Pakistan. But what the government did with Shahid Masood is another irony. The journalists know the problems, the places, why can’t government take actions?


Read the article here

We request government to please do something immediately before this pedophilia gets all over us. Umer Saif played a vital role in catching the culprit in Zainab Murder case.

All parents please brief your children about their safety. Guide them with basic rules that should never be compromised. Here is a list of safety precautions.

Please for once in life forget your political tussles and take his help.


Please stop this brutality. We cannot let our children die this way…

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