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Jibran Nasir’s Journey From “Abey Ooyei” to “Jibran Sahab” in Police Custody

Jibran Nasir is a renowned social activist. He has been a big name in Khadija Siddiqi case and Naqeebullah Mehsud case. However today a “judge protocol” misbehaved with him. Police thrashed and detained him.

Here is what he said while being taken to police station

He was harassed because he did not surrender to judge protocol. Shortly after his detention, such messages started circulating

So it was expected that Jibran Nasir should shut his mouth and go home. But the question is, why was he maltreated? Judges are appointed to give justice and not enjoy huge protocols. Now some people are criticising Jibran, and terming it as a publicity stunt to get sympathy vote in general election,

and thats the reason why the situation for a common Pakistani never changes. Its our right to be treated in a respectable way. When will we realize it? I agree to every word he says

We need to first change ourself to change our surroundings. First agree to respect yourself, then expect others to respect you.


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