Jeremy McLellan’s Has Given Names of His REAL Parents! And Pakistanis are SURPRISED!

Sense of humour is an inborn quality, and today I certainly have no doubt about it. I have always liked Jeremy for his love towards Pakistan, but today I wish I’d have trophy meant to be given to the person with best sense of humour in the world, it would be his.

Let me take you to the whole matter of Jeremy’s parents identity.

As we all know he has a keen interest in Pakistan’s affairs especially politics, so few days back he tweeted this message along with photoshopped photos. 


Jeremy said so because Reham Khan in her autobiography has written that Imran Khan has soooooooo many illegitimate kids. So Jeremy stood up to claim his right, lol. And Even gave evidence in form of these pictures.

It was all in good humour till this. I still do not want to believe this, as how come somebody so lame. But yes, it was something tweeted by a real Noon league supporter,


Also there is a video of Americi Adakaara given spot light in headlines,

Now Jeremy has actually apologised for defaming Imran Khan, and has given names of his real parents in this message,

Lol yes, according to him, Nawaz and Reham are his parents. lol.

This is all in good humour, but Jeremy’s sense of humour is out of this world.

