Is Jeremy McLellan Being Paid By Pakistan For His Pro Pakistaniat?

In our part of the world, even if we haven’t attended his comedy shows, we sure do adore this American comedian: Jeremy McLellan.

He came to Pakistan and won our hearts with not just his sense of humour but also his personality. Often seen on social media condemning violence against Muslims around the world, he is also vocal in his opinions when it comes to America and their world politics.

As Pakistanis and also as Muslims we welcome people who give a positive image of us to the world. We feel like if we project our country and culture and religion in a positive light, it will not have the kind of impact that a Non Pakistani’s would have. And sadly it is true to some extent.

Jeremy McLellan is that hope that we want to cling onto because he’s seen the people of Pakistan and the culture here. His comments and social media presence is hugely liked by his fans. However, from across the border, some people are not too happy with this.

McLellan tweeted about the violence taking place in the Occupied Kashmir and it triggered a reaction. 

Social media wars are volatile. Only a few words and a virtual mob reaction starts. Recently, the comedian came under the hate mongering Indian online Nazis.

The things happening in Occupied Kashmir is a concern for many in the world. But when people like McLellan or Afridi speak up, the concern for Kashmir is met by hostile online reaction by the Indians.

Recently the stand up comedian got a message from a Kashmiri student. He has messaged about the horrific teargassing by the Indian forces of schools. He shared this message online only to receive a sarcastic comment that said:

how much daily wage is the comedian getting? 

But being the witty comedian that he is, McLellan gave a befitting reply:

 “If Pakistan was paying me to tweet, I’d have a much nicer car and house”.

Someone also questioned his accountability for the drone strikes that have scarred people in Pakistan and Afghanistan. He admitted to those happening due to his country’s government. But at the same time he clearly refuted saying:

“How many innocents have I killed? Zero. My government, on the other hand, has killed a lot, and I’ve spoken out against it from the beginning. You should try it sometime.”


The comedian started gaining limelight when he visited Pakistan last year on a three week comedy show trip.

Some of his funny tweets are as follows


Jeremy Mclellan Pakistan


Jeremy Mclellan Pakistan
via Facebook

Why do we have to take a person and turn them into some kind of an agent? Is it too hard to simply enjoy the entertainment they are providing? But what a brilliant idea that no one in Pakistan thought of: let us pay a gora comedian to work for us through social media.
