How to Avoid ‘Acidity Problems’ on Eid

A common health problem faced by most of us on Eid every year is Acidity. The prime reason is the change of eating routine, as in the whole month of Ramadan we eat with time. However, on Eid day we eat as if the whole day is iftar time and there is no stopping. This results in acidity and stomachache, and it simply ruins our Eid.
Here are few tips by following them you can avoid acidity on Eid day.

1 .Avoid Fizzy drinks and caffeine, take herbal/green tea instead.

avoid acidity
Via Basil Grill

2. Eat in portions. Don’t think you are running short of time and you have to eat everything instantly.

avoid acidity
Via Guided Mind
You are not fasting anymore, you can eat whenever you want.

3.Don’t put long intervals in meals, eat less but eat after short intervals

how to avoid acidity
Via Dinosauriens

4.At least once, drink lukewarm water

how to avoid acidity
Via Inlife healthcare

5.Drink a cup of fresh milk too

How to avoid acidity
Via VideoBlocks

6.Avoid vinegar, pickles and spicy chutneys

how to avoid acidity
Via Thoughtsfromajoy

7.Use mint leaves in your drinks.

how to avoid acidity
Via Cafe Liz

8. Avoid Spicy food, as most of the food served is very spicy. 

how to avoid acidity
via Flavorverse