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Harry Potter – From My Perspective

Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone is an incredible novel written by J.K Rowling, a billionaire who used to be a poor woman before the Harry Potter series was published. Although this book was originally written for children, it soon became an adult favorite and remains popular even though it was born more than 15 years ago.

J.K. Rowling

The book is completely fictional ,creating a world of magic and wizardry, spun from J.K Rowling’s imagination. It’s full of adventure and fantasy yet is so captivating that readers find themselves living in a completely different world. The story revolves around an orphan boy that is Harry Potter, who lives his first 11 years at his aunts, treated like a servant, unaware of his wizard background. A few days before his eleventh birthday, mysterious letters begin arriving for hm yet he never gets to discover their content due to his uncle’s strict check on the post.

Finally on the day he turns 11, his house is intruded by a gigantic man who causes a real pigs tail to grow on Harry’s horrible cousin[his aunt’s son] and reveals to Harry the shocking truth of his real identity and of his parents murder.

Soon after this incident Harry is enrolled in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and soon gets familiar with subjects such as transformation and defense against the dark arts. He also makes two best friends. Ron Weasely and Hermione Granger who accompany him throughout the Harry Potter series.

Ron Weasely and Hermione Granger
Harry has many adventures and unusual experiences throughout the novel as well as an encounter with the villain, that is his parent’s murderer, Lord Voldimort. After leaving his aunt’s house and entering the world of Hogwarts, Harry discovers many secrets related to his past and becomes a hero as the plot slowly unravels. Throughout the novel the reader is filled with suspense, excitement and the urge for more.

The book has numerous characters yet i personally refer professor Dumbledore who is the headmaster of Hogwarts as well as the most powerful man in the wizarding world, Although he is not the main character, he is closely linked to the plot and plays a major part in Harry’s life. Even though its impossible to go through Harry’s experiences, one can accompany him in his adventures and understand his emotions and feelings ,as an orphan struggling to survive in the human world.

I really loved this book and i must admit that I have never read a novel so gripping and unique other than the Harry Potter series. I would definitely recommend this book for you [if you are not a boring person that is], for not only it is a fantastic breathtaking novel but is also written in excellent english, thus suitable for improving your reading and language skills.


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