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Five Reasons Why Feroze Khan’s Wedding is Talk of the Town

Feroze Khan's Wedding

I was about to post Feroze Khan’s wedding pictures today, but then a thought came in my mind that why are we giving so much attention to Feroze Khan’s Wedding? Everyday my Instagram feed if full of his wedding updates. Ab itni bhi baat nai hai. But then I came up with these reasons why, not only me, in fact every one is curious about his wedding.

1. Feroze Khan-A Heart Throb Sensation

No doubt, Feroze Khan is very handsome and charming. Then the kind of roles he played especially in Gul-e-Rana and Khani, made many of us his fans. However apart from his acting, we usually “love” to follow Good Looks. Thus his wedding is a big attraction for us.

2. Because Sajjal Ali & Feroze Khan Broke Up

After Chup Raho and Gul-e-Rana, the couple caught everyone’s attention. The young couple looked so cute together. Thus everyone started believing that they are going out together. And sooney pe suhaaga they admitted it too:

“This” relationship made Feroze Khan even more famous and so we are following his wedding even more closely. We are also concerned whether Sajjal is attending his wedding whole heartily or not. Waisey Pictures mei nazar to nai aai. 

3. He Is the ONLY Brother of Humaima Malik

Feroze Khan has an additional benefit of being the only brother, the eklota veer of BOL girl, Humaima Malik. We like her or not, but we follow her. She is an amazing actor and made her place in media industries of Pakistan and India.

4. Because He Said He Wants to Keep His Wedding Private, LOL

This is something very funny. Initially he said that wedding is his personal affair, “I can’t reveal everything [about my personal life], but I am getting married soon. My wish is to do it quietly and without any extra attention of any sorts. Kaam, kaam hota hai, and personal is personal, I want to draw a line.”

Feroze Khan’s BIG DAY on 30th March

However we all have very very free access to all his wedding pictures and videos. All we need is to follow #ferozdaveyah on instagram.

5. Is His Bride As Attractive As He Is

That’s for women I guess. Most of the women would love to see whether Feroze’s bride is pretty or not BECAUSE Feroze Khan is very good looking.

I like his bride so much. She is pretty and innocent, and she seems to be from a very good family.

Via Irfanistan Official
6. Celebrities at the Wedding

And one of the Most important factors, lots and lots of celebrities on his wedding.

We wish Feroze a very happy wedding 🙂 .

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