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Five Evergreen Songs Of Nazia Hassan You Must Listen

Nazia Hassan

via Sindhi Dunya

It was 3rd of April back in the 60s when a girl who would go onto become a legendary pop singer was born. With her charming personality, charismatic aura and beautiful voice, Nazia Hassan made an incredible mark in the limited time she had.

As today is her birth date, Google is paying a little tribute to her through their google doodles, here.

If Alive this would have been her 53rd birthday only!

Here are the top 5 songs that we here at find irresistible and unforgettable.

1. Disco Dewane

This is one such number that still tops the lists. It was only a few years back that it was used in the Indian film, The Student of the Year. The song continues to sound fresh and crisp, making Nazia’s memory coming alive. And we cannot miss the very fashionably dressed Nazia in all her videos.

2. Dosti

Dosti is that very friendly,  very sweet and evergreen song about friendship. No matter how much we have turned friendship into the creepy ‘fraandship’, this song resonates with everyone; even with those who stalk you on Facebook with their dosti requests. 😉  The song also truly represents the friendship bond between Nazia and Zohaib that made them a classic brother sister team.

3. Dum dum dee dee

What do we say about this ever so famous Dum dum dee dee. A song that just stays with you the whole day. Almost all songs by Nazia Hassan do not sound old. They have this quality and tone to them that makes them very fresh and new. We don’t know how else to put it, so listen to it for yourself.

4. Ankhian milanay walay

How can we skip this song whose lyrics and video both gives out a very fairy tale vibe. The song is not just the lyrics but also the video, the way Nazia Hasan adds her classy aura that makes it all the more unforgettable.

5. Taali day thalay

She sang this song in the later part of her career. By this time she had grown into a graceful, beautiful woman with shoulder length hair which she still kept simple. A very eastern song and video with Nazia Hasan looking totally different in an eastern outfit is still refreshed during our mehandis and functions.

BONUS song!!!

Telephone Piyar

Not a very popular number but this one is a fun song nonetheless.  One thing we are sure of is that if Nazia was alive today, she must have incorporated social media to her song 🙂  Now this song has an old nostalgic vibe to it and we love it!

Nazia Hassan was, has been and always will be an era of some exceptional songs for our pop music industry. She paved way for more young voices and left a deep mark on our lives. So here’s to her life, her struggles and her memories.

Ten Songs You Can Relate Only If You’re a 90’s Born

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