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Changing characteristics over generations

Changing characteristics over generations

Changing characteristics over generations

A few days back, I attended a workshop where one presentation quickly grabbed my attention. The workshop was about to address an issue of active aging and how to make an attractive workplace? During the session, one of the presentations was about how the changing characteristics over generations alter. It also covered the differences between business cultures a few decades then and now. I took notes of that presentation with a view as worth sharing with you to judge which generation do you belong?

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are the ones born in the 1960s. Individualism and hardworking nature are characteristics of this generation. Also, this generation specializes in whatever they do. It means they command over one or two fields or topics. And they don’t look or behave like Jack of all trades, master of none.

Generation X

Generation X born in the 70s. They contain traits such as self-starting, loyal and driven. People born in this generation don’t easily switch jobs. And they really think themselves as an ambassador of an organization they are working for.

Generation Y

People born in the 80s are generation Y people. They are flexible, non-hierarchical and innovative. This means such kind of people believe more in horizontal structures of an organization rather than a typical vertical one, where one boss leads the rest of the staff.

Generation Z

Generation Z is the ones born in the 90s. The people born in Generation Z drives by the ability of global connectivity. They are more digital than any of the previous generations. They love to work as free agents. That means they aim to be free and don’t want to be bounded by time or contract constraints.

Generation Alpha

Besides these, generation alpha belongs to people born in the 2000s. This is the most formally educated generation. Moreover, they are the wealthiest and the most technology supplied people ever.

I belong to generation X. And I think I own almost all the characteristics specific to my generation as described by this interesting research. And what about you? Are the results of this research relatable to you?


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