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Careem Captain Murdered in Rawalpindi

careem captian

An unfortunate incident took place last night when a Careem driver was murdered in Rawalpindi. Last month it was Junaid Mustifa in Islamabad and now there is another.

Sajawal Ameer, a 22-year-old Careem Captain, was shot dead in Rawalpindi on Monday night by unknown persons. According to police, Sajawal was shot several times by gunmen while they were trying to get his car in the Naserrabad police area. The authorities said that Sajawal was taken to nearest hospital, but due to severe injuries he died on Tuesday.

In a report by Express Tribune, culprits tried to get the car, but the car engine was shut down due to tracker. After that the engine got off, thus suspects left the car in nearby area, and ran away. The car was recovered and a lawsuit was filed against unidentified persons. The suspects were also reported to have snatched money and mobile phones from the driver.

Police has gathered the data from Careem, and are now investigating the case. The police is still not sure whether they were same people who booked the last ride, killed Sajawal. As there are no eye witnesses statements recorded so far, so it is not confirmed how many persons involved in the murder. The young man received five bullets from pistol.
Police thinks that culprits booked the ride to snatch the car. Ameer belonged to Bhakkar district and was a Careem captain in twin cities.

The sad incident of Sajawal’s death took place at 10:35 pm on Monday. According to a statement made by Careem, “We appeal to authorities to take strict notice of these incidents and enhance efforts to drastically improve the safety of citizens,” he added, “We will vehemently take this case up through legal channels. Due compensation will also be provided to the family. Most importantly, we will urge lawmakers to take note of this deteriorating security situation in Islamabad and immediately take steps to improve the situation,”

These Careem Captains leave their homes and become Careem Captain to earn bread for their family. It is second accident in two months. I wish safety of all those who have no intentions of harming anyone, but only to earn “Izzat ki rooti”.

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