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Bitcoin: On the Rise Again?

Bitcoin Price Today PKR 646354 (6132.10 US Dollar)

Many of the investors keep on worrying that Bitcoin may die soon. However Warren Buffett says, ““Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”

According Josh Rotman, Bachelors of Computer Sciences and Economics from Harvard University, it is possible that Bitcoin goes down for shorter period of time primarily because of China, but in longer run other cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin will rise and stay stabilize.



Josh Rotman continues that investors might be thinking whether Bitcoin is potential enough of creating economic revolution by taking the power of capital from authoritative hands and giving it back to people. In his opinion, the story of Bitcoin is bigger than just one nation; China is just panicking about this economic novelty. Soon it will grasp the idea that it’s better to be part of economic innovation rather making your own story by staying out of it. That’s the reason they are not banning it completely. And it is expected that their exchanges will be reopen soon.


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