Ali Zafar Sharam Karo! Ali Zafar BoyCott-Teefa Looks in Real Trouble Now

Teefa in Trouble is about to release, and the kind of opposition Ali Zafar is facing, is really problematic. Last night Ali Zafar went to Karachi for promoting his upcoming movie Teefa in Trouble, when youngsters started protesting against him in front of KFC,

He must not have recovered from it, when youngsters created trouble for Teefa at the movie premier outside Nueplex Cinema in Karachi

Few months back Meesha Shafi accused Ali Zafar of sexual harassment. In return Ali Zafar sued her for defamation.

Maya Ali stepped in to support her co-star, but she was back lashed as well.  Leaked videos tried to proof that the whole thing was a drama and it was a publicity stunt by Meesha. Some also said that she tried to take some kind of revenge from Ali Zafar.

However, till today nothing is proved in favour or against of both entities. We respect both artists, but I must say that with today’s fuss, Ali Zafar is in big trouble. It looks as if his movie is going to suffer as people are boycotting him.

In a recent interview with BBC, Ali Zafar looked very calm on the whole matter, as he said,

“What she (Meesha) has to gain from is something that I should not comment on especially at this point.

“I don’t worry because when you know things and when you are on the right side and know the truth you don’t worry because falsehood by its nature is bound to perish.”

