A healthy talk with Adnan Farooq

By Sana Younas

February 24, 2018

OOur busy yet lazy lifestyle, increasing work commitments, heavy dependency on junk food and quick ready-made meals all are leading to disastrous results in the form of many illnesses, weight gain, mental and physical disorders and ultimately less confident and introvert person. There are many people in the society who step forward to lead us in the healthy pathway. Adnan Farooq is one of them. Running two fitness gyms and online programs, Adnan Farooq offers the training you need and the personal touch you deserve to grow your health or fitness. Let’s have A healthy talk with Adnan Farooq.

Tell our readers about yourself.

I am 42 years old and have a double major in MBA from LSE. Currently, I have three internationally recognized certifications and a diploma in sports psychology. I have been serving the fitness industry for almost 20 years, learning and evolving with international trends, bridging the gap between latest and international trends in local health and fitness norms.

What is your motivation behind indulging yourself into fitness industry?

The drive is to serve. I have been an anxiety patient after the unexpected demise of my younger sister and going through tough financial problems. During these immense learning experiences, I began to recognize how physical and mental aptitudes determine the outcome. How much they are in our control and our ability to harness these strengths influence outcomes. The better the mind and body are aligned and harnessed, the better our ability to handle situations and influence outcomes. My motivation is to serve people using my experience and education that I learn every day from people around.

Secondly, the fitness industry needs to do a better job at helping people become better. We, the service providers, have created more barriers to life and thus it has become more challenging and competitive. The absence of holistic health, the demanding fitness and nutrition regimes have either provided temporary solutions or have moved people away from even give a try. This needs to change and I intend to play a role in this.

Your inspiration?

My father. Enduring one hardship after another, he’s taught me silently the power of perseverance and how each moment in time is a decision that impacts outcomes.

Who is your biggest support regarding CORE?

My wife.  She is a fantastic fitness trainer, she’s in great form with two kids and she is always helping me out with guidance and support – both in the gym and outside.

Adnan Farooq & His wife Nosheen Shafi

How many branches CORE and Synergy Fitness have to date?

I have two fitness business brands, Synergy Fitness and Core-FTS. Synergy was formed in 2008 and is a complete gym facility with imported equipment and separate men and ladies’ gym. Synergy has expanded to two branches, Johar town and Faisal town in Lahore. The CORE has formed six years ago and is a specialized personal training studio.

via Synergy Fitness fb page

Besides these, I have also expanded into the online space as being the first health coach to have explored this new space in the realm of providing free content.

What were initial thoughts from your family/peers when you floated your professional strength training idea?

My family has always supported me although in those days, 20 years ago, thinking of a career that had no scope or industry norms was very difficult.

What were the most challenging moments in your business?

The recent radical and unregulated growth in the fitness industry has made things difficult for most service providers. The challenge nowadays is to define your niche and operate within it, which is what I do now.

Kindly tell us about your team/your staff.

My team is my brother (Ali Farooq), who works with me who always supports me, my wife (Nosheen Shaffi) and my father.

Are you satisfied with what you are doing?

No. I want to do more and reach more people because people need help.

Any interesting or most memorable experience so far regarding your professional life.

Yes. the transition of moving into the online space.

Do you think people in Pakistan are mature enough to think about their physical fitness?

Pakistan needs more professionally qualified trainers so people can be guided properly.

What kind of supplements do you sell? Do you have any contracts with any wholesale buyer for supplements?

I don’t believe in shortcuts and pills for weight loss. I do believe in vitamins and supplements, only if they are meeting certain minimum standards. Yes, I work with supplement companies but only those that I believe and trust.

How did you get an idea of vlogs?

I love the camera and I love sharing free content and videos on social platforms.

How do you think CORE is different from so many other gyms and training centers?

I would talk about my program, the Fast Metabolism Program, which has really changed the game. It is an online program and gives you all the tools you need to boost metabolism because a slow metabolism is at the heart of weight stuck, weight regain and lack of energy.


Which kind of people come to you the most?

Mostly women between the ages of 28 to 55. Women who have experimented and failed at conventional weight loss programs, women with hormonal problems and women with stress.

Your suggestions to those who really want to get fit and in search of any clue.

Focus on boosting metabolism is the real key. I know that 90% of weight loss experts and programs have no idea about the real science of metabolism. Learn to manage stress, eat non-inflammatory foods, eat foods that support the liver and the guts, exercise just three and four days and you are good to go.

Adnan has message for all his readers who are conscious about their weight and fitness:

And this is the end of our interview with Adnan. On the behalf of team, we wish him great success and luck.

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