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For losing weight we keep on searching from one diet plan to another. However there is another approach to weight loss which is different and innovative.  This approach says that you should control your appetite rather controlling your diet. Here are some easy ways to control appetite;

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has acetate acid in it. This acid controls that part of brain that generates appetite stimuli. Thus lower down the natural appetite and helps controlling diet intake. 
  2. Cayenne Pepper (laal mirch): Asians already use cayenne pepper in most of our desi meals. So there is good news for us that cayenne pepper has ‘capsaicin’ in it which is a significant appetite suppressant. 
  3. Water: Water is an all rounder and indeed a very effective appetite suppressant. It keeps you filled for a longer period of time and thus you don’t feel hungry. 
  4. Almonds: Almonds is a good option for munching and do not make you gain weight, and play a vital role in controlling appetite. 
  5. Green tea: Most of us are already aware of ten useful effects of green tea for digestion of food. However very few know the fact that it has Catechin which is a potent antioxidant. Therefore green tea lowers down the levels of oxidative stress and that in turn stifle the appetite.
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